Selasa, 30 Juli 2222


I don't want to use the normal template,.
you know,.. "Hi, My name is,..."
So yeah,..

the X MIPA 1 most handsome student (lie) is here!!!
Diaz Jeisa Rakhmat!!
Also known as,.

well, i am here, at the SMAN3 Bandung, the most favorites school here in Bandung (exaggeration(also i want to brag about this)), 'cause of my,.. determination?
well, i'm here 'cause i want to, even tho i didn't know even 'lil bit of this school, but i want to.
Because if i didn't get accepted here i would be sent to a boarding school(Ghontor).They(my parents) told me that, if i didn't go to a school with the best facility(even tho they just want the "3" in my history) They might as well as sent me there, to Ghontor. But even so, i still want to go here,
not just because of my parent threat, but because i want to beat them, 'cause you know,..
My mother could go here (SMAN#3) back then if she wanted to because her score back then was,.. 'big'(well, she wanted to, but her father won't let her(He thought that this school was for rich people only))
My father got the highest score of 'UN' in his province, and was actually studied at our neighbor, SMAN5,

So yeah,.. they are smart,.. Could i do the same as them?
Well here i am,
My score is not as big as them, but i could, i could beat 'em (at least can be compared to)
I got accepted here and tell them to eat their faces,..(well of course not)
and as a return,..
they bought me a PC!!
a Personal Computer!!!!
My PC was't the best, but at least it could play most game that came out nowadays,.
and if we are gonna talk 'bout my PC,.. it is gonna be a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong talk,..

But,.. there is something i want to talk,.. 'bout me,..
I had a dark past,.. not that dark,..
I wrote a lot of things in my Diary, and if you want to know about it,. i'll give you it,.
but talking 'bout my diary,.. hehe,. let's talk 'bout me,..

I am (now) 14 years old,.
I born at Bandung 30 Sept 2004
I,.. ugh, it's boring right,. writing it like that,. (and it's boring for you to read it,..)
So yeah,.. there was someone talking bout "English Environment",.. so yeah,..let's rest for a bit,..
Oh well,.. there was,.. a lot more things that i want to talk about,.. but,.. time,..
well, i'll continue it at home,..
and even tho i'll continue it,..
this whole text 'bout me will continue it is going to be here,..
yeah,.. i mean,.. it's memories right?
no? well,..

Finally came back,..
How long was it, 1 week ?
Oh,. well,. I had a lot to do,.
If you want to know other thing about me,
Or if you just my teacher waiting for my tasks,.
please,. look around my Blog,.

with regards

Senin, 01 November 2021

( Task ) Essay: Social Media, Is It Bad For Us.

 Social media is common among our younger generation. For examples are Tik Tok, Instagram, Line, Facebook, Twitter, and many others. Social media has changed the younger generation’s way of living, as how we used to meet them in the real world, now wei nteract with our friends in the virtual space more. This will, eventually, bring problems should it be misused.

Teenagers can spend a lot of time playing on social media more than they would, for example, go out of their house. It can cause a deterioration on their social ability, where they are more used to talking via texts on said social media than talking with words when meeting someone in a real space. Social media can also cause addiction. People with social media addiction can forget their daily lives, prioritizing on tweets rather than doing something meaningful. With how vast the internet is, the usage of social media presents risks of getting exposed to bad stuff such as pornography, hoax, hate speech, etc.

However, social media has also some good stuff on it. It can bring people so far apart with another to one virtual space where they can interact with each other. If used correctly, social media can be a place to widen one’s opportunity in business where they can reach audiences that might be interested in what they are offering. Teenagers can also express themselves more freely in the wide world of social media.

Like any other thing in this world, social media if used correctly can be a great companion in our humane lives. Behind the great potential of being a destructive device, social media has also great benefits. We think the danger of social media can outweigh its benefit for us teenagers. We do not think that teenagers can not use social media, we simply want to imply that we have to use it responsibly.

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2021

Senin, 19 April 2021

Rabu, 30 September 2020

(Task) Ambition, so Small yet so Far.

If it is about passion, I don't think I have one. 

I like drawing, illustrating to be precise, but that is that. 

I see it as an income potential, being an illustrator, but I don't really want to. 

I like writing too, but, again, that is that.

I mean, I don't even want people to see my arts, or at least I don't want them to know who's behind those said arts. Anonymous is my way. (To be frank, they are not that good yet)

So, if it is about my future, I haven't really thought about it and don't even have any rough picture of it.

I just like to pour my ideas into some medium, let it be illustration or writings, and let them be something only me can enjoy.

Perhaps someday I will let the world see those mediums, but those days are really far ahead.

To tell my friends of what I've been doing is a mountain I need to climb first, a steep hill of insecurity I need to master. 

Perhaps I can to do that, but not in the near future.

Now, like river, I just my life to flow in its natural path.

One thing I like is narrative.

Any kind of it: film, game, novel.

They give me inspirations, pieces of thought to be chained, puzzle of ideas to be put.

How my imaginations get their fuel are by gathering this information.

Later on that cluster of words, scenes, or sounds can be picked and create my own original tale.

In a way, though I'm not sure of it, I'm achieving my dreams by seeing, reading, playing one's stories, even when it seems like I'm wasting my time doing those things.


That is what I think I do best.

Gathering information, storing them unconsciously for later to be used.

All my hobbies are all involved in data streams, let it be knowledge or just trivial things.

My ambition is small.

I just want a nice family, and have a peaceful life.

My hope is that I can reach it by doing things I like.

I just want to prove that I can, to do them my way.

- Diaz

Jumat, 08 Mei 2020

Selasa, 10 Maret 2020

(Task) An Invasion, An Operation : Barbarossa. [Text]

With the hands of Mohamad Rais Surianta Kusumah and Diaz Jeisa Rakhmat

In early morning of the 22nd of June 1941 during WWII over 3 million German military personnel with thousands of war machines and military transportation cross the German-Russion border and invade an unprepared Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union weren't expecting Nazi-Germany to invade the Soviet Union because of the nonaggression pact they signed and them believing that Nazi-Germany didn't want a two front war even with France defeated, due to these reasons the Soviet Union didn't invest to much in their borders with Nazi-Germany.
In the initial attack the Soviet Union's border defence were easily crushed by German forces due to the Soviet Union's border defence force being outnumbered, outgunned, and outmatched by the more prepared and skilled German forces. The German's momentum didn't stop there while the Soviet Union were reorganizing themselves the German forces were gaining victory after victory, they managed to capture multiple Red army divisions (though most of the Soviet soldiers were able to eventually escape) and destroy even more, as they were getting deeper in Soviet territory they took many cities, important military locations, industrial factories, and large farmlands, but these victories weren't easy or as rewarding as Hitler and his generals thought.
As the German forces were getting deeper in Soviet territory the Soviet forces were getting more fierced, better organized, and bigger in number as the Soviet Union started to conscript in mass and throwing their soldiers in large numbers at the German forces to overwhelm them with their now much larger army. The Soviet Union also started to employ scorhced-earth tactics, they also moved many of their weatern industrial factories and moved them to the eastern side of the Soviet Union so they can produce without the worry of the German forces, these tactics were used to slow the German forces advancement.
The Soviet's tactics work against the German forces as their previous momentum started to slow down while the German forces were still winning many battles their supply started to diminished as Hitler and his generals underestimated the Soviet Union military power and their willingness to win, as the German forces were gaining more Soviet territory they were hoping to more supplies but they were surprised to see what used to be fertile farmlands burned and many factories empty, while they still gained some supplies it was less then what was expected.
While the German forces advancement were slowing down and their supplies lessening, they were still getting deeper in Soviet territory and they were closing in on the Soviet Union's capital Moscow but they were also getting close to winter season. And at the end Russian winter prove to be faster and deadlier then the German forces and they were forced to halt their advancement and prepare for winter due to many of their soldiers dying to frostbite or fallen ill because the lack of winter clothing, this is because Hitler believed that his army could defeat The Soviet Union before winter.
While the German forces were preparing for winter the Soviet Union were already prepared for a counteroffensive. The Soviet Union brought in Siberian troops, who are soldiers trained to fight in cold weather, and their factories in the east already mass produced weapon, ammunition, and other war machines for a large army. With the preparation complete the Soviet forces begin their counteroffensive against a now weaken and  under prepared  German force and pushed them out of the Soviet territory begin their own offensive against Nazi-Germany in their territory eventually reaching the German capital ending WWII.

Royde-Smith, John Graham. “Operation Barbarossa.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 23 Aug. 2019,
Wikipedia, Staff. “Operation Barbarossa.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Mar. 2020,


It was fun,(the project not but the)
Working with Rais.
He seemed to know about his stuff,
and to be honest,
I wouldn't know about this Operation we've rephrased.
If not because of him that is.
Thank you for helping me on this task.

Thx for reading.
- Diaz