Rabu, 30 September 2020

(Task) Ambition, so Small yet so Far.

If it is about passion, I don't think I have one. 

I like drawing, illustrating to be precise, but that is that. 

I see it as an income potential, being an illustrator, but I don't really want to. 

I like writing too, but, again, that is that.

I mean, I don't even want people to see my arts, or at least I don't want them to know who's behind those said arts. Anonymous is my way. (To be frank, they are not that good yet)

So, if it is about my future, I haven't really thought about it and don't even have any rough picture of it.

I just like to pour my ideas into some medium, let it be illustration or writings, and let them be something only me can enjoy.

Perhaps someday I will let the world see those mediums, but those days are really far ahead.

To tell my friends of what I've been doing is a mountain I need to climb first, a steep hill of insecurity I need to master. 

Perhaps I can to do that, but not in the near future.

Now, like river, I just my life to flow in its natural path.

One thing I like is narrative.

Any kind of it: film, game, novel.

They give me inspirations, pieces of thought to be chained, puzzle of ideas to be put.

How my imaginations get their fuel are by gathering this information.

Later on that cluster of words, scenes, or sounds can be picked and create my own original tale.

In a way, though I'm not sure of it, I'm achieving my dreams by seeing, reading, playing one's stories, even when it seems like I'm wasting my time doing those things.


That is what I think I do best.

Gathering information, storing them unconsciously for later to be used.

All my hobbies are all involved in data streams, let it be knowledge or just trivial things.

My ambition is small.

I just want a nice family, and have a peaceful life.

My hope is that I can reach it by doing things I like.

I just want to prove that I can, to do them my way.

- Diaz

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