Also known as Gray Wolf,.
Is a four legged animal,
With a body build a lil bit bigger than dog,
And has a pair of keen eyes,
Pair of also keen Ears,
And a sharp nose,.
This animal comes from the same family as dog,
(I mean, just look at it)
But not so very domesticated as them,.
You could say that wolf is just a wild dog,.
(Tho not really),
And lives in a colder habitats than them,.
Starts from the mother womb,.
A wolf lives a 2-3 year long life cycle,
Turns into a wolf pup,
It cutest form,
Before it grows into It's juvenile form,
Then it becomes a young adult before it Finishes it cycle as an adult until it dies,.
Wolves hunt in packs,
You won't find a lone wolf hunts,.
Or maybe someone already did,
I mean,
*Insert Ba-Dum-Tst Here*
Wolf pup is cute,.
There are only 300.000 wolves left in this world,.
They are extincting because of,.
They don't have the habitats they need,.
Save wolves,
Save Earth.
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